Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Poem #1

I'm a sucker for women - first and foremost my girlfriend.

The ocean of a smile set,
Entwines the green of an eye
Upon the breadth of tender silence
Whipped to froth by passing ice –
Broke loose by budding, rosy, tide.

The sun of flower growing,
Moves to earth, as sky moves down
Trapped by the ghost, turned to wonder
Of that pulling, falling heaven
That rests upon nitid, fulgurous crown.

Violent be your curtained tides,
That break upon voice and gaze
Thirsting-not the silent wind-song
That plays the lovebed of the world
A world of love, left to play
In the waters of an eye.

As the gaze dries to silence,
Past the lid, that tombs the sea
In blackening colour, painting wilds
That strike the brush to rosy canvas
And rose shall canvas not
Silent trappings of the heart.

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